Corbin's Story

September 2020

Corbin was born on September 4, 2020. He was beautiful and perfect, yet our midwives noticed something was off with his breathing. After monitoring him for about 24 hours at the birth center, upon discharge, our midwives recommended we go to Children’s Hospital for further evaluation of his uneven breathing patterns. After a whirlwind of events, we ended up spending two nights at the hospital and Corbin spent a lot of time under a blue light in an incubator. His breathing was not a concern the entire time we were there. The next few months were spent figuring out how to care for a baby and what we were doing as parents.

January 2021

In January 2021, Corbin was sick and having difficulty breathing. We went to Children’s Hospital and were not prepared for what was to come. Weeks turned to months, and we learned we have the most special little boy. Corbin went through two major surgeries, one reconstructing his airway. He recovered well but every month that year we spent at least one night in the hospital following a procedure to check the progress of his airway. We created new routines and made friends with hospital staff. We knew we were not out of the woods but were hopeful for a normal future for him.

November 2022

In November 2022 Corbin became a big brother as we welcomed his baby sister. We found ourselves again learning a new routine and excited to do life as a family of four. Corbin was so proud of his sister – wanting to hold, kiss and hug her every chance he could. After Navy was born, it seemed that Corbin grew overnight from being a toddler to a boy. His vocabulary expanded, he physically looked older, and he wanted to help with everything.

January 2023

January 2023 was his last hospitalization during an illness where he just needed some breathing treatments and oxygen for a couple of days, rather than intubation as he had needed previously. We were still hopeful that as his body grew, so would his airway, and his breathing issues would lessen.

May 2023

On Sunday, May 7, 2023 our lives were forever changed as we suddenly had to say goodbye to our sweet boy. After a morning play date with a new friend, Corbin was having a snack and started crying as he ate. A piece of food lodged in his small airway and was unsuccessfully removed before his heart stopped beating. We miss Corbin every second of every day and we will remember him as the sweet, silly, beautiful boy he was. He had so much care and love to give the world, and our hope is for him to look down and see his legacy living on. As a family we know we can never fully move on from this, but we can move forward, and with that in mind, the Corbin Cares Foundation was established.

One of Corbin’s favorite things to do was throw rocks into the lake across the street from our home. He was so excited when we found the biggest rocks! We have so many wonderful memories at the lake and continue to visit often.